What types of individuals typically have a personal health record (PHR)? How does Cindy fit this profile?
Cindy is a 57-year-old single female who works as a graphic designer. She describes herself as shy and reserved. She weighs 358 lb and is 5′ 8″ tall. She has recently lost her mother and is greatly concerned about improving her own health. She has been diagnosed with the following conditions: type II diabetes, hypertension, and asthma. For each condition, she sees a different provider in a different health care institution. However, all of the institutions are affiliated with a large regional health care system. Cindy takes five prescription medications for her conditions and fills them at three different pharmacies, each located near one of her providers. In the past, she has kept her medical records in a box in her closet. She has become frustrated with the lack of communication among her providers and her relationship with them. Step 2: Post your response to the discussion board. Respond to the following questions, and if relevant, include your personal experience. What types of individuals typically have a personal health record (PHR)? How does Cindy fit this profile? How could a PHR help Cindy better manage her diagnoses? Why do people choose to have PHRs? Do you feel Cindy would be one of those individuals and why? How do you feel that Cindy’s patient satisfaction could be improved through the use of a PHR? As a provider, how do you feel that the use of a PHR would improve your satisfaction when providing care to Cindy and other patients in similar situations? Need at least 2 in-text citation.
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