Discuss each of the 9 core competencies, and cite specific examples in the curriculum, (or with experience at work with an NP) where you have been exposed to each of these competencies

Discuss each of the 9 core competencies, and cite specific examples in the curriculum, (or with experience at work with an NP) where you have been exposed to each of these competencies

Read the NONPF Core Competency Document: https://cdn.ymaws.com/www.nonpf.org/resource/resmgr/competencies/20170516_NPCoreCompsContentF.pdf 2. Discuss each of the 9 core competencies, and cite specific examples in the curriculum, (or with experience at work with an NP) where you have been exposed to each of these competencies. As NPs, you will often be in discussion with leadership, administration, and policy makers about our professionalism-including our role, scope of practice, reimbursement, etc. As such, you should be prepared for how the general public may perceive NPs. 3. Please discuss 2 examples of the NP role in the media (TV, radio shows, commercials, campaigns, internet presence) and what your own perceptions are of how the NP is portrayed in those examples. 4. Discuss your perceptions/feelings about this product on Ebay released by Furryville shown here. https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&biw=1264&bih=602&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=ezEYXbfJBe7B_QawqK-wBA&q=nurse+quacktitioner+ebay&oq=nurse+quacktitioner+ebay&gs_l=img.3…6783.13521..13742…1.0..0.56.1227.25……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0i67j0j0i5i30j0i8i30j0i30j0i10i24.7yhgy6lbusg