4 papers 1 references page 6 two paragraphs

paper number 1
Teams have different needs, and people in organizations should be selected for a team to ensure diversity and expertise to fill various roles.
Study the nine team roles and choose three to write more on. For each of these three roles, give an example of experiences you have had working with people who have fulfilled each role. Explain fully how each person fulfilled the role.
Incorporate material from your readings to help support your answer.
Your submitted assignment should be 3 pages. Be sure to use proper spelling, punctuation, and grammar and cite your sources per APA.
1. 2 pargagraphs with refrences in apa format
Teams have different needs, and people in organizations should be selected for a team to ensure diversity and expertise to fill various roles. Study the nine team roles and share one role you personally played in a team. How did it go? Be sure to explain the role you played, how you played that role, how it felt to you, and what were the results?
2. 2 pargagraphs with refrences in apa format


What has been your experience with advantages in working in teams? Disadvantages? What have you found is the key to effective teams?
paper 2
Write a profile of a leader you know. Preferably, this is someone in management where you work – or where you once worked. If you don’t know such a leader, write about some other leader you know who leads an organization such as a school, church, service club, Girl or Boy Scouts, or local National Guard.
Your profile should include the following:

Introductory description of the leader.
Show an example of the leader in action.
Analyze your leader in terms of one of the theories discussed in your textbook. Click here to view an example chart starter that you could complete. Take notes on the various leadership traits and then select one or two to develop in your profile.

Based on your chart and other notes, finish writing the profile based on your observations and analysis of your leader. Your submitted assignment should be 3 pages. Be sure to use proper spelling, punctuation, and grammar and cite your sources per APA
3. 2 pargagraphs with refrences in apa format
Can you identify the well-known leader who made the following statements?

“I have a dream.”
“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
“The buck stops here.” (Clue: US president named Harry)
“Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country.”
“Give me liberty or give me death.”
“Walk softly and carry a big stick.

For your initial post, share your answers for the above quotes. Then share your view on which of these leaders you admire the most. Defend your choice by described the leadership qualities they hold which you have been studying in the course.
4. 2 pargagraphs with refrences in apa format
Read the following observation:

All leaders need some degree of power to be effective, but more power is not always better.

Provide your thoughts on the observation above. Do you agree or disagree with what is being said? Why? Provide examples to help support your position.
paper number 3 
This week’s environmental controversy focuses on bottled water in terms of its health, safety, and financial issues. People disagree on whether government or private groups should be designated to promote healthier water. What is your position? Review the background information. Then using the references along with resources from your own research, write a 3 page response to the questions below. Remember to cite your sources using proper APA format.
Backround info
Critics of bottled water note that the products often contain dangerous bacteria and other contaminants. They argue that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) needs to better regulate the contents of bottled water. Others argue that media watchdog groups and competition within the private sector, rather than more regulations, are the best solutions for improving the quality of bottled water.
Use these references to help answer the questions that follow. You may want to also search the Internet for additional resources.

Bottled water: More than just a story about sales growth; Stringent federal, state and industry standards help ensure safety, quality and good taste. (2007, April 9). PR Newswire. Retrieved October 8, 2009, from ProQuest Newsstand. (Document ID: 1251895191).
Lisa Turner. (2001, December). Toxins on tap? Better Nutrition, 63(12), 48-50. Retrieved October 8, 2009, from Research Library. (Document ID: 90062665).
Brown, J. (2008, May). Water pressure. Vegetarian Times,(358), 29-31,6. Retrieved October 8, 2009, from Research Library. (Document ID: 1466274691).
Krogstad, A. (2009, January). Purifying the business of selling water. E : the Environmental Magazine, 20(1), 10-11. Retrieved October 8, 2009, from Research Library. (Document ID: 1626604811).
Knopper, M. (2008, May). Bottled water backlash. E : the Environmental Magazine, 19(3), 36-39. Retrieved October 8, 2009, from Research Library. (Document ID: 1475949361).

Based on what you have read, do you believe that pollution standards should be established for bottled water? What arguments most influenced your decision? How would you explain your position to someone who disagrees with you?
5. 2 pargagraphs with refrences in apa format


This week you read the issue of fuel efficiency in the United States. The United States is very dependent on foreign countries for oil, and Americans have been buying cars that require more and more gasoline. For your discussion assignment this week, share with other class members some actions that you can take to reduce your dependence on oil and the gasoline derived from it. Which of these actions do you actually plan to take?
refrence page
this one is a a build on to from this question
It is time to identify an environmental controversy that is of interest to you.
You might find it useful to read your local newspaper, browse through your textbook, or search online for an environmental controversy that you wish to research throughout the rest of the course. Once you have determined an issue, write a brief, 1 paragraph description of the issue and why you feel strongly about it. 
here is what you need to do based on the above information
Submit a reference list showing your research for the Environmental Issues Project. The reference list should have a minimum of 6 sources and follow the APA format. You reference list can include citations from articles, your textbook, books, magazines, interviews, the Internet, etc. Make sure that the list is in alphabetical order.
paper 3
Should we mount a massive effort to restore ecosystems that we have degraded even though this will be quite costly? For this weeks environmental controversy we explore this question. Using the textbook, and any additional outside resources, answer the questions below. Write a 3 pages response to the questions posed to you. Remember to cite your sources using APA.
Ecological restoration, which is discussed in your textbook, has a critical role in protecting and understanding the Earth’s environments. Unfortunately, even if personnel and financial resources are available, many sites are too damaged to be effectively restored. In such cases, alternatives to restoration must be pursued, including: rehabilitation, remediation, replacement, or the creation of artificial ecosystems. 
Some individuals worry that large-scale ecological restoration could mislead the public into believing that any amount of environmental damage can be undone. Ultimately, a massive and expensive restoration program could be offset by weakened regulations and increased environmental damage in other areas. Furthermore, alternatives to ecological restoration may be able to repair more sites at less cost.
Based on what you have read and researched, do you believe that the loss of biodiversity is a concern for humans? Should the government not only preserve but restore ecosystems that we have degraded the biodiversity even though this will be quite costly?
6. 2 pargagraphs with refrences in apa format
In keeping with the environmental concerns this week, discuss your initial reaction to the following statement.
“Eventually, all species become extinct. Thus, it does not really matter that the passenger pigeon is extinct and that the whooping crane and the world’s remaining tiger species are endangered mostly because of human activities.”
Do you agree or disagree with this? Why or why not?
Do you feel the Endangered Species Act should be strengthened or weakened? Explain.
paper 4
this one is a build on from these two 
It is time to identify an environmental controversy that is of interest to you.
You might find it useful to read your local newspaper, browse through your textbook, or search online for an environmental controversy that you wish to research throughout the rest of the course. Once you have determined an issue, write a brief, 1 paragraph description of the issue and why you feel strongly about it. 
Submit a reference list showing your research for the Environmental Issues Project. The reference list should have a minimum of 6 sources and follow the APA format. You reference list can include citations from articles, your textbook, books, magazines, interviews, the Internet, etc. Make sure that the list is in alphabetical order.
here is what you need to do based on the above information
Submitting a rough draft of a paper or project gives the writer a chance to receive feedback on the paper and make revisions in anticipation of the final draft submission. A rough draft does not need to be a polished work but it should still adhere to APA guidelines and include all necessary components

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