1.Imagine you are writing a short email to another coworker regarding how to develop an effective agenda. Draft that email below. In your email, be sure to explain what it takes to write an effective agenda and all the parts that you should include. Make sure you provide examples for each section.
Dear team,
(the significance of setting up agenda)…(how to write an effective agenda)….(what you should do)…(detailed explaination)…
1.discuss what you think are the two most important strategies for keeping a group focused on its goals. Give specific examples.
Key terms:
Functional approach:
An approach to group problem solving that assumes that to achieve a group goal, group members should perform certain communication functions.
Results-driven structure:
A structure that causes a group to focus its efforts on the actions it needs to take to achieve its goals.
The written plan for achieving the goals during a group meeting; typically includes items for discussion, action, and information.
2.One member of your group continues to pull the discussion off track, and he or she doesn’t seem to be able to focus on the topics the agenda covers. As the group leader, what strategies would you use to keep the meeting on schedule? Give specific examples and utilize terminology from the lesson.
Everything has to be 100percent original. Any kind of plagiarism will not be accepted!!!
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