Lesson 10 Assignment: Commercial Recording
Prepare to orally present the commercial three times (in one recording) each with a different emotion. The three emotional situations you use for your commercial needs to be selected from the following four possible emotional situations.
You are angry.
You are excited.
You are afraid.
You are unhappy.
Lesson 11 assignment: informative speech
Preform a speech under the topic of “How to prepare and present an informative speech”
BASED on this two activities, write a reflection addressing the questions below.
Variations in volume, rate, and pitch help develop meaning and therefore increase the effectiveness of your communication to your audience.What did you learn from these two performance assignments that you could use to help your communication decision making in the future?
Using reflective metacommunication skills, indicate what communication decisions you would change if Assignment 11 had the purpose of creating, organizing, outlining, and delivering an effective persuasive appeal speech instead of an idea information speech.
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