You will provide rationale as to why your assigned topic is the most important, the best, for the provision of quality care as a nurse practitioner

You will provide rationale as to why your assigned topic is the most important, the best, for the provision of quality care as a nurse practitioner

Assignment Requirements 1. Your faculty will assign you one of the following three topics: quality improvement, “traditional” research methodology, or evidence-based practice. My topic is Quality Improvement 2. You will provide rationale as to why your assigned topic is the most important, the best, for the provision of quality care as a nurse practitioner. 3. You will compare the topic you are assigned to one of the other topics you have not been assigned. For example, if you are assigned quality improvement, you may compare to a traditional research method, such as a randomized control trial. When writing this argument, you should provide a compare and contrast approach which highlights the features of the topics, how the topic informs providers and the topic’s importance to quality and safety. 4. Your response to this prompt should be a minimum of two (2) paragraphs of 4-5 sentences which utilize in-text citations (APA). 5. References are required, the use of first person should be avoided.