You are asked to write a brief (4-5 pages) APA-format paper pages on a personality theorist. Your paper should show that you have a clear understanding of the theory, and also include your critiques of the theory.

You are asked to write a brief (4-5 pages) APA-format paper pages on a personality theorist. Your paper should show that you have a clear understanding of the theory, and also include your critiques of the theory..

You are asked to write a brief (4-5 pages) APA-format paper pages on a personality theorist. Your paper should show that you have a clear understanding of the theory, and also include your critiques of the theory. To thoroughly discuss the theory, and to provide support for your critiques, you should use academic sources (scholarly journal articles, books, book chapters) that discuss current research or discussion of the theory. You should discuss, using your sources, how this theory is or is not applicable to different individuals or groups. Topic: APA-format paper pages on a personality theorist. Your paper should show that you have a clear understanding of the theory, and also include your critiques of the theory
Your grade will be based on the following:
Structure-Paper is well organized, with well-developed thesis statements. Each paragraph begins with a strong introductory sentence that provides an overview of the paragraph, and a concluding sentence that briefly summarizes the paragraph-0-15 possible points
12-15 points-Thesis statement is clear, well-written, and provides an overview of paper. Introductory and concluding sentences are strong, and paragraphs are well-organized.
8-11 points-Thesis statement adequately explains focus of the paper. Introductory and concluding sentences are adequate.
4-7 points-Thesis statement needs further development. Introductory and concluding statements do not adequately introduce or conclude the paragraph. Paragraphs are not organized in a way that makes paper easy to read and understand.
0-3 points-Thesis statement is absent or very unclear. 3) Syntax and grammar-Paper is clearly written with minimal spelling, grammar, and syntax errors-0-20 possible points.
14-20 points-Paper is carefully written, with minimal syntactical and grammar errors. Sentence structure is strong.
7-13 points-Paper contains occasional grammatical or syntactical errors.
0-6 points-Paper has significant grammatical and syntax errors that seriously reduce quality of the paper.
Quality of ideas and presentation-Points are clearly presented, including factual information, and detailed. Includes a strong critique of theory. 0-45 points
Possible 31-45 points-Ideas are easy to understand, detailed, clearly presented, and include accurate and factual information. Ideas are strongly supported. Critique is strong, thorough, and supported with well-developed arguments.
16-30 points-Ideas are clear, but lack sufficient detail, and may include some minor -inaccuracies. Little support is offered for ideas. Paper includes a critique, but it is incomplete or not well-supported.
0-15 points-Ideas are difficult to follow, lack detail, or include significant inaccurate information. Ideas are not well supported. Critique is absent, minimal, or not well-supported.
APA format-Paper conforms to APA format, including correctly formatted cover page, in-text citations, references, and mechanics. 0-10 points possible.
8-10 Paper does an excellent job of following APA format, including, but not limited to: in-text citations and references are properly formatted, pages are included, and cover page is complete.6-8 Many elements of APA format guidelines are followed, but not consistently.3-6 Few elements of APA format guidelines are followed, or are not followed consistently. 0-2 APA formatting is non-existent or minimal.
References-Paper includes 5 academic sources (academic journal articles, books, or book chapters). In general, sources (especially on current research) are no more than 10 years old. 0-10 points possible.
5-10-Paper includes the correct number of sources. Sources are from academic sources, and are current (in general, no more than 10 years old).0-4-Paper includes incorrect number of sources, sources are not scholarly, or are mostly outdated.

You are asked to write a brief (4-5 pages) APA-format paper pages on a personality theorist. Your paper should show that you have a clear understanding of the theory, and also include your critiques of the theory.