Write a concise summary of the most pertinent details about the article, organizing it with subheadings (Validity, Results, Applicability, Strengths, and Weaknesses)

Write a concise summary of the most pertinent details about the article, organizing it with subheadings (Validity, Results, Applicability, Strengths, and Weaknesses)

Critique of Articles


  1. Write a concise summary of the most pertinent details about the article, organizing it with subheadings (Validity, Results, Applicability, Strengths, and Weaknesses). Include the type of study, purpose, methods and instruments, sample size and characteristics, results with statistical significance (if provided), key findings relevant to your PICOT, and your critique of its applicability, strengths, and weaknesses.


  1. Cite the source in APA format within the first sentence in (Author, Year) format.


  1. Make sure article is in reference list. Cite sources in the paper using APA style with authors’ last names and year (in the first sentence and when needed). Do not type the complete title of article or journal in your paragraph because it is in the reference list.



Please make sure the subheadings and other details are included.


My PICOT Question: are patients who have gastric bypass surgery (P) at an increased risk for bowel obstruction, malnutrition and other major organ complications (I) compared to gastric sleeve procedure patients (C) in how it affects the patient overall (O) over three years (T)


The articles to critique: If you can’t complete the assignment requirements using these two articles listed below, please choose two more articles relevant to my PICOT question. The articles should be a systematic review.


Kizy, S., Jahansouz, C., Wirth, K., Ikramuddin, S., & Leslie, D. (2017). Bariatric surgery: a perspective for primary care. Diabetes Spectrum, 30(4), 265-276.


Lager, C. J., Esfandiari, N. H., Subauste, A. R., Kraftson, A. T., Brown, M. B., Cassidy, R. B., … & Oral, E. A. (2017). Roux-En-Y gastric bypass vs. sleeve gastrectomy: balancing the risks of surgery with the benefits of weight loss. Obesity surgery, 27(1), 154-161.



Conclusions from lit review should answer “What are the best practices or nursing interventions on your topic?” Were you able to answer your PICOT question? If yes, explain what you found. If not, explain what you were not able to find and what you did find that related to the topic. This should mostly be in your own words, but cite each source at least once to show where your conclusions came from. Did you find similar or different results from each source? If results are consistent, then you can cite more than one source after that conclusion. For example: Nurse-led protocols are more effective in reducing….. (Jones, 2015; Smith, 2014). Paraphrase here; don’t copy/paste!