What is your ecological footprint?.
Climate change is a global environmental health issue affecting all countries in the world and is a result of human development and activity. It is related to the ecological footprint of the human population.
Case Assignment
In this assignment, you will:
- Take the “What is your ecological footprint?” (Global Footprint Network, 2019) at https://www.footprintcalculator.org/ and assess how you did in the quiz.
- Summarize how you did.
- Which questions in the quiz had answers that surprised you?
- Which questions in the quiz did you answer well?
- Utilizing the required module readings and conducting additional scholarly literature searches, explain how human activities contribute to problems associated with climate change.
- Describe ways by which individuals can help fight climate change.
- Compare the impact of climate change on developed vs. developing countries.
Assignment Expectations
Use information from your module readings/articles (below) as well as appropriate research to support your paper.
Length: 4-5 pages long, APA format, scholarly sources cited.
Module readings:
Global Footprint Network. (2019). What is your ecological footprint? Accessed from https://www.footprintcalculator.org/
Karl, T. R., Arguez, A., Huang, B., Lawrimore, J. H., McMahon, J. R., Memme, M. J. … Zhang, H. M. (2015). Possible artifacts of data biases in the recent global surface warming hiatus. Science, 348(6242), 1469-1472. Retrieved from http://science.sciencemag.org/content/348/6242/1469.full
Levy, B. S., Wegman, D. H., Baron, S. L., & Sokas, R. K. (Eds.) (2011). Section I.1: Occupational and environmental health: Twenty-first century challenges and opportunities. In Occupational and environmental health: Recognizing and preventing disease and injury (6th ed., pp. 3-20). New York: Oxford University Press.
McMichael, A. J., Butler, C. D., & Dixon, J. (2015). Climate change, food systems, and population health risks in their eco-social context. Public Health, 129(10), 1361-1368. doi:10.1016/j.puhe.2014.11.013.
Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (2019a). Environmental health. Healthy People 2020. Accessed at https://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/topics-objectives/topic/environmental-health
Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (2019b). Occupational safety and health. Healthy People 2020. Accessed at https://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/topics-objectives/topic/occupational-safety-and-health
Philip, R. B. (2012). Chapter 1: Introduction and overview. In Environmental issues for the twenty-first century and their impact on human health. SAIF Zone, Sharjah, UAE: Bentham Science Publishers.
U.S. National Library of Medicine (2018). Section 1: Introduction. In Toxtutor: Learn essential principles of toxicology. Accessed at https://toxtutor.nlm.nih.gov/01-000.html
What is your ecological footprint?
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