What do you know about this topic so far? Describe as much as possible. Specifically, what is the controversy regarding your topic? What makes it argumentative? Why is this an important/relevant topic?

What do you know about this topic so far? Describe as much as possible. Specifically, what is the controversy regarding your topic? What makes it argumentative? Why is this an important/relevant topic?.

1. What is the topic you plan to address in your Argument Paper?
2. What do you know about this topic so far? Describe as much as possible. Specifically, what is the controversy regarding your topic? What makes it argumentative? Why is this an important/relevant topic?
3. What is the thesis statement that you are going to argue in regards to your topic (i.e., the MAIN point you wish to argue about the topic)? Remember, in an argumentative essay, you will need to take a side on the issue, and this is what your thesis should reflect!
For example: “Gun control” is a topic, not a thesis statement. Within the issue of gun control, what is the stance you plan to argue? It could be that “Stronger gun control regulations will help to reduce the amount of gun casualties in America.” It could also be that “Stronger gun control regulations will have little effect on the amount of gun casualties in America.”
4. Speculate on what you want to find out more about for your topic. What kinds of things do you need to research? What do you think you will need to know to understand your topic? What kinds of facts/data/statistics/research will be useful to you?
For example: On the issue of gun control in America, I’ll probably want to look into gun casualty statistics. I might also want to look into current laws/regulations and what’s being proposed for strengthening them. I will also want to look at both sides of the issue to see what the varying perspectives are and why people do and don’t want more gun control.

What do you know about this topic so far? Describe as much as possible. Specifically, what is the controversy regarding your topic? What makes it argumentative? Why is this an important/relevant topic?