transform an electronic health record (EHR) delivery system into a quality tool that meets or exceeds regulatory and health reform policy.
QUESTIONS TO BE ANSWERED IN APA FORMAT 200 WORDS MINIMUM. EACH ANSWER HAS THEIR OWN REFERENCES….1. Which system-wide training model would you use to transform an electronic health record (EHR) delivery system into a quality tool that meets or exceeds regulatory and health reform policy. Include statistical protocols and advanced statistical methods for data analysis you plan to include in your Unit 7 Research Utilization Project Proposal Assignment.2. Evaluate the limitations of virtualization including consideration of the challenges and data complexities, and convince each other that you have the best evidence-based plan to forecast health system performance.3. Discuss the tools you will use to implement a Cloud storage system that builds on existing virtual infrastructure. Include how you plan to communicate to stakeholders overcoming the limitations of Cloud architectures and enhance organizational analytic results that can be used for decision-making.4. Research the literature and explain the limitations to using a cloud when enabling the following infrastructure: Real-time planning capabilities that optimize resource utilization, dynamic end-to-end infrastructure, application, predictive modeling, and workload performance. Include industry-specific compliance, security, vulnerability, costs, and organizational risk management.5. Review the literature to find key indicators of value and data empowerment and create three short term goals to improve public health outcomes.6. Discuss informatics and technology system efficiencies to improve costs, safety, and clinical health outcomes using data analytics.7. Conduct a literature review of transformation, innovation, and realization management models and debate with peers how your model is the best one to overcome barriers to stakeholder buy in regarding your proposal.8. List three ways that informatics can enhance stakeholder buy-in for public policy optimization mandates and explain how costs, quality, safety, ethics, economics, standards, and health reform mandates apply to each one.9. Debate with peers how to operationalize performance management in health informatics. Include ethics, standards, laws, and policy to support your point.10. Explain how data supported disruptive innovation and leadership models can build evidence-based organizational cultures to drive continuous innovation in a meaningful and intuitive form. Do you need a similar assignment done for you from scratch? We have qualified writers to help you. We assure you an A+ quality paper that is free from plagiarism. Order now for an Amazing Discount!Use Discount Code “Newclient” for a 15% Discount!NB: We do not resell papers. Upon ordering, we do an original paper exclusively for you. The post transform an electronic health record (EHR) delivery system into a quality tool that meets or exceeds regulatory and health reform policy appeared first on Custom Nursing Help. “Is this question part of your assignment? We Can Help!”
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