The Role of the Professional Interpreter

The Role of the Professional Interpreter

Respond to discussion

Include citations/Use in text citation where needed

All sources must be 5 years old or newer

Only needs to be about a paragraph long

More like a discussion rather than a paper

Please add to the discussion in your peer responses with informative responses, instead of posts similar to “great idea! I really agree with you.”

Each response needs to have a citation



POST1 (Kristen)

A translator has the ability to understand and convert a written message whereas an interpreter translates both spoken and written words. A health care interpreter is a “person who is qualified through evaluated skills and who demonstrates a high level of proficiency in at least two languages” (Pearson, n.d.). In order to be a professional health care interpreter or translator you must understand health care terminology and also basic language skills. It is important that the interpreter is able to communicate effectively to assist with communication between the non-English speaking patient and the nurse.  “The interpreter must implement culturally sensitive constructs and correct language usage” (Pearson, n.d.). It is important that we use interpreters and translators when needed to understand patients in order to provide culturally competent care. These translators and interpreters help the health care staff by helping us perceive and understand how the patient feels about their illness.

In the hospital that I currently work at, we have iMobile devices that we use for communicating with anyone in the hospital. With these devices we can also call a number that links us with a certified interpreter who is able to go back and forth with both the patient and health care staff to aid us in treating the patient by translating and helping us better understand the patient’s needs. This service works great and is very efficient. This service allows us to ask all necessary questions in a timely manner.


Pearson. (n.d.). TOPIC 04: The Role of the Professional Interpreter. Retrieved February 24, 2020, from



POST 2 (Brandy)

A translator translates words that are written whereas an interpreter translates words that are verbal or spoken.  They are similar in that both a translator and interpreter provide information to a language barrier. A translator seems to mostly be used with deaf patients and interpreters are for individuals using different languages trying to communicate. An interpreter must be qualified, have their translating skills evaluated, and be proficient in at least two languages in order to be an interpreter (“The culturally,” n.d.). A translator and interpreter’s role is to bridge the gap as to whats creating the language barrier. This may be using sign language or speaking in a different language.

When delivering culturally sensitive care the translator/interpreter is a third party and must remain unbiased (“The culturally,” n.d.). Delivering culturally sensitive care also means the facility has the ability to provide a translator or interpreter to any patient who needs this service. In my workplace we have a sign language interpreter available at all times. We utilize three different ways to translate for different languages. A blue translator phone, a number we can call directly from the mobile phones nurses carry, and an I-PAD that does both video live chats and audio translation. The I-PAD serves as both a translator and interpreter and does meet patient’s and nurses needs. The convenience of the I-PAD and phone being readily available and easy to use is an excellent resource for the nurses.


The culturally sensitive evidence-based plans of care module. (n.d.). Denver College of Nursing. Retrieved from