The relationship between time management skills and academic achievement in nursing and public health students
Other goals and objectives that built on this primary objective included:
- To build on my nursing experience through collaborative nursing.
- To build on my nursing competency through consultation with senior practitioners (Perry, Henderson & Grealish, 2018).
- To promote patient safety by improving my time management and task prioritization skill.
Timeline for Practicum Activities
Day 1 to 3 – consultations with other practitioners.
Day 4 to 5- engage in the collaborative nursing
Day 6- attend time management and activity prioritization training.
Nayak, S. G. (2018). Time Management in Nursing–Hour of need. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 11(3), 1997-2000.
Perry, C., Henderson, A., & Grealish, L. (2018). The behaviours of nurses that increase student accountability for learning in clinical practice: An integrative review. Nurse education today, 65, 177-186.
Yousefi, S., Hrsej, Z., Jannat Alipour, Z., Afrrouz, M., & Navabi, N. (2017). The relationship between time management skills and academic achievement in nursing and public health students. Biannual Journal of Medical Education Education Development Center (edc) Babol University of Medical Sciences, 5(2), 29-40.
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