The Core Values

The Core Values.


Given the next 15 minutes, complete the mySelf Values Exercise & list your top 5 personal values.
(Resilience, Acceptance, Growth, Teamwork, and Family)
A copy of this list will be turned into the instructor prior to beginning the written portion of this performance task.
2. Upon completion of step 1, you will begin the written portion of this performance task by answering the
following questions:
a. Explain why each of the values chosen are important to you.
b. Compare and contrast each of the personal values with the Core Values.
(See attached for Core Values and definitions)
c. Explain your plan to align your values with the Core Values or justify how your values are aligned with the
Core Values.
At the heart and soul of our profession, the Air Force recognizes our core values as universal,
consistent standards used to evaluate the ethical climate of all Air Force organizations. When
needed in the cauldron of war, core values are the beacons that light the path of professional
conduct and the highest ideals.
Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence In All We Do
Values represent enduring, guiding principles for which we stand. Values, such as the Air Force
core values of integrity, service, and excellence, should motivate attitudes and actions on- and offduty as essential moral principles or beliefs that are held in the highest regard. Our core values
represent the Air Force’s firm convictions about the nature of our personal character, our
commitment to each other and our Nation, and the manner in which we perform our service. Core
values are so fundamental that they define our very identity through a common bond among all
professional Airmen – past, and present. For those of us who join this proud community, being a
part of the Air Force family requires a commitment to living by these values at all times.
Reflecting the Air Force core values in one’s personal and professional lives is a challenge that
must be faced every day. In doing so, we honor the heritage and continue the legacy of those who
served before us and sacrificed so much. It is through this alignment of our actions with these
values that we, as an Air Force, earn the public’s trust, strengthen our service, and accomplish
our mission. This is the expectation of our profession, and is the standard that our fellow service
members and the American public hold us to.
25.8. The Little Blue Book
America’s Air Force: A Profession of Arms, has historically been recognized and referred to as,
the little blue book. The little blue book is the document containing and prescribing the Air Force

The post The Core Values first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

The Core Values