Social and Cultural Influences
Respond to discussion
Include citations/Use in text citation where needed
All sources must be 5 years old or newer
Only needs to be about a paragraph long
More like a discussion rather than a paper
Please add to the discussion in your peer responses with informative responses, instead of posts similar to “great idea! I really agree with you.”
Each response needs to have a citation
POST 1 (Shaniqua)
One of the formal poverty stereotypes that was in this week’s reading was that of homeless people. They have a weaker immune system which poses for them to become sick easier. (“Topic 03, Social and Cultural Influences, Page 27”, 2020) In the United states that is about 72,000 people that are homeless. (2020) According to the merriam-webster dictionary stereotype is defined as something conforming to a fixed or general pattern.(“Definition of STEREOTYPE”, 2020) My own definition of stereotype is making people or things conform to an idea that you generate from an experience or opinion that you may have.Two of the common stereotypes associated with at risk and vulnerable populations are that African Americans that live below the poverty level will have hypertension. Another is that people that have no insurance frequently visit the hospital instead of getting a primary care doctor. It is always good nursing practice to insure that you are providing culturally sensitive care. You have to make sure that you look at each patient as a person no matter the stereotypes that may come along with their race or background. Nurses have to make sure that they are transparent in all aspects of care. At my hospital we have had multiple people who have had a history of drug problems which is harder to make sure that we relieve their pain. You can never judge your patients pain because pain is always subjective.
(2020). Retrieved 9 March 2020, from
Definition of STEREOTYPE. (2020). Retrieved 9 March 2020, from
Topic 03, Social and Cultural Influences, Page 27. (2020). Retrieved 9 March 2020, from
POST 2 (Elizabeth)
One formal Poverty stereotype is that if you are a Doctor you are rich, arrogant, and can do whatever you want. In my experience Doctors are often one of the poorest people. They are in debt up to their ears so they look rich. They are often well versed and speak on an intellectual level which lends to the arrogant air about them. They also are not free to do what they want they also answer to the higher powers and they put their pants on the same as everyone else.
My definition is that a stereotype is a view of people based on similar attributes that becomes a definition of their entire being. For example in high school jocks are viewed as strong and stupid… in reality, many times they are very intelligent. This definition is similar to the real definition.
Two common stereotypes is that older people are senile, sickly, unintelligent, no worth anything (Stereotypes about the elderly, 2018). This has become a stronger view in recent decades and in this country. In many other countries and older generations the elderly were viewed as respected, strong, leaders, and wise! Another common stereotype is of the poor populations. These populations are often viewed as lazy, drug/ alcohol users, uneducated, and abusive. In my experience, though oftentimes the people who are poor are the opposite of lazy they are often the hardest working. They also may be educated but in a more hands-on profession. They also often are too busy working to have a drug habit!
By giving culturally sensitive nursing care without stereotypes patients will get the best care. People will receive the information they need. They will be educated on their level. They will be heard! Perhaps we can even defeat stereotypes but treating everyone the same!
Stereotypes about the elderly (2018). Abramson Center for Jewish life. Retrieved from
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