Search credible websites for clinical practice guidelines or recommendations from a professional organization on evidence-based practices related to the subject you selected for your PICOT question
Directions: Look at the suggested Readings and Resources in Module 4. Search credible websites for clinical practice guidelines or recommendations from a professional organization on evidence-based practices related to the subject you selected for your PICOT question. If you are not sure if it is appropriate, email it to the instructor in advance. The intent is to find appropriate guidelines or the original source of EBP recommendations that you will be able to use in your Literature Review. The instructor will give you feedback if the guidelines or recommendations you selected will be appropriate.
For your original thread:
- In the first sentence, state the purpose of guidelines and cite the source in APA format.
- Then describe the developers (authors’ credentials or organizations who wrote it) and why you think this is a credible source or developer. Note: National Guideline Clearinghouse is the publisher, not the developer.
- Conclude with how relevant their guidelines or recommendations are to your PICOT.
- List the complete reference at the bottom.
- Attach a PDF file of the document or a link to the website if no downloadable file is available.
To create your original thread, choose the “Create Thread” button above. Add your name in the Subject line and use the Message box to type in your response to the prompt. Be sure to cite your sources in APA format before choosing the Submit button.
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