Research and identify an organization that will be used for this and subsequent Learning Team assignments. Write a 700- to 1050-word paper in which you identify a new product your company will introduce. Address each of the following in your paper Ident.
Research and identify an organization that will be used for this and subsequent Learning Team assignments. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you identify a new product your company will introduce. Address each of the following in your paper: Identify your company and give a short background on the business including their mission, vision, goals, and objectives. Identify the new product you will develop and roll out to the customer. Describe how the design team will include the following functions and organizations, explaining the role for each team member: Marketing Engineering Operations Supply Chain Quality Key Suppliers How will you use technology in the development, manufacture, and supply chain of your new product? How will you ensure the quality of the product in its design and production? Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines The company it needs to be on Apple and they product they are developing is a water resistant phone. I chose this topic because one of Apples competitors Verizon recently came out with their own water resistant phone.
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