Read chapter 1 in your C book. Make sure you know how to use Blackboard to access class information and know how to submit assignments. Make sure you know how to start Bloodshed

Read chapter 1 in your C book. Make sure you know how to use Blackboard to access class information and know how to submit assignments. Make sure you know how to start Bloodshed.

Read chapter 1 in your C book. Make sure you know how to use Blackboard to access class information and know how to submit assignments. Make sure you know how to start Bloodshed Programming assignment: Write a computer program in C which will generate an original ASCII-art picture, more specifically, a representation of your instructor Dr. Yampolskiy. You program MUST be bug-free, well commented (Including author’s information, program description, lab section, date, etc.) and must demonstrate use of different escape sequences. Some examples from students enrolled in in the prior semesters follow:

Read chapter 1 in your C book. Make sure you know how to use Blackboard to access class information and know how to submit assignments. Make sure you know how to start Bloodshed