Provide a 5 pages analysis while answering the following question Important Energy Source for Prokaryotic Cells..
Provide a 5 pages analysis while answering the following question: Important Energy Source for Prokaryotic Cells. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. The glyoxylate pathway converts 2-C units into 4-C units viz. Succinate. The isocitrate is cleaved into succinate and Glyoxylate by isocitrate lyase, the enzyme present in organisms using the glyoxylate pathway. The other enzyme of the pathway is malate synthase which catalyzes the condensation of glyoxylate with the acetyl CoA to form malate. These bacteria synthesize acetyl CoA from acetate and CoA by an ATP-driven reaction catalyzed by acetyl CoA synthase. (Stryer
3. Every state has an official animal, flower, or tree but Oregon has a bacterial species named in its honor: Methanohalophilus organize. The specific epithet is  .but what information can you glean from the genus name In what type of environment(s) would you expect to find this organism What are some ecological benefits of this organism (15 pts)
The bacterium can oxidize hydrogen or formate .citron thus generated are used to reduce carbon dioxide to methane. These are strictly anaerobic and salt-loving bacteria. These are found in rich organic matter where the non-methanol-methanogens produce carbon dioxide and hydrogen.
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