post response

post response.


Describe ways to demonstrate the core competencies described by James et al.

Describe hazard specific competencies for a hospital emergency manager.

With APA style refrences and no more than 400 words
post 1

To run a healthcare firm successfully, the administrators should have several complimentary abilities. These abilities are commonly referred to as core competencies. Therefore, core competency is the defining strength of an organization that provides the foundation for the growth of a business. Through core competency, new opportunities are unfolded, and values are delivered to clients. There are several ways to describe the core competencies as James describes. These competencies are identified into five main domains. They include leadership; business skills and knowledge; communication and relationship management; knowledge of the environment of the healthcare as well as professionalism (McSweeney-Feld, Nelson, Whitner & Engineer, 2017).

These core competencies should be used to carry out a self-assessment to evaluate the weaknesses along with strengths. These weaknesses can be rectified and improved through experience and continuous learning (James, Benjamin, Burkle, Gebbie &Kelen, 2010). One should first know the nature of every core competency category as well as how to it is used in the field of healthcare before determining how well to apply the competencies or before assessing oneself. Afterward, then the skills can be exhibited.

Council (2016) postulates that a hospital emergency manager has hazard specific competencies. The most often medical emergencies that patients encounter include bleeding, collapsing, breathing difficulties, severe pain along with heart attack. Therefore, emergency managers should have in mind that risks are prevalent in hospitals and they have to monitor and control them to counter health hazards. Emergency managers are specialized in handling different problems in various settings. Their particular organizations fully determine the duties of these managers. These experts work in multi-medical administration departments. These areas include financing, insurance, and claims management; emergency preparedness; clinical research; mental and human healthcare as well as incident and event management. Comprehensive emergency management plans in healthcare facilitate both patient safety and also minimize readmissions.


McSweeney-Feld, M. H., Nelson, H. W., Whitner, W., & Engineer, C. Y. (2017). Emergency Preparedness Content in Health Care Administration Programs: A Decade Later. Journal of Health Administration Education.

James, J. J., Benjamin, G. C., Burkle, F. M., Gebbie, K. M., &Kelen, G. D. (2010). Disaster medicine and public health preparedness: A discipline for all health professionals. Disaster Med Public Health Preparedness, 4(2), 102-107.

Council, D. P. A. (2016). Medical countermeasures for children in public health emergencies, disasters, or terrorism.

post 2

According to explanation there are several ways to describe the first skills. These skills are defined in five main areas. They include leadership; business skills and knowledge; communication and social management; information and education in health. To work effectively with a healthcare company, managers must have several special skills. These methods are often considered key capabilities. Consequently, the main ability is to identify the organization that provides the basis for business growth. Through the use of community opportunities, new opportunities open up and standards are provided to customers. (McSweeney et al., 2017)

These key skills should be used for self-assessment in order to assess strengths and weaknesses. These weaknesses can be altered and developed through knowledge and continuous learning. First of all, it is necessary to know the state of the entire fitness category of the sector and how it is used in the health sector before deciding how to properly use the skills before learning them. After this skills can be shown.

Emergency managers solve different problems in different conditions. Some of their organizations have fully defined the functions of these managers. These professionals work in many drug management departments. These areas include financing for insurance, insurance and claims management; emergency repair; medical research; psychological and medical care and event organization and event organization. Many health management programs provide patient safety and reduce admissions. (James et al., 2010)

The author says that the hospital emergency manager has particular risks. Emergency medical cases encountered by patients include blood flow, collapse, breathing, severe pain, and heart attacks. Therefore, emergency management must be aware that accidents are common in hospitals and must be careful and cope with health-related disasters. (Council, 2016)

McSweeney-Feld, M. H., Nelson, H. W., Whitner, W., & Engineer, C. Y. (2017). Emergency Preparedness Content in Health Care Administration Programs: A Decade Later. Journal of Health Administration Education.

Council, D. P. A. (2016). Medical countermeasures for children in public health emergencies,disasters, or terrorism.

James, J. J., Benjamin, G. C., Burkle, F. M., Gebbie, K. M., &Kelen, G. D. (2010). Disaster medicine and public health preparedness: A discipline for all health professionals. Disaster Med Public Health Preparedness, 4(2), 102-107.

each response no less than 150 words with APA style

post response