NGR 5209 Florida Agricultural Role of the Social Cognitive Theory Questions


1. Based on the definitions provided in literature write your own definition of health and state the rationale for the factors you considered in developing the definition. 

2. Interview 3 persons at varying points in the life span (adolescent, young adult, elderly person) to obtain their perspective on health and the health promotion strategies they perform to stay healthy.  Ask them to identify any personal, social, and environmental barriers to pursuing a healthy lifestyle. Suggest health promotion strategies to help them overcome the barriers stated by the interviews. 

Answers to interview:

Young adult- I view health as taking care of my body and mindset. in order to reach my optimal health I write in a daily journal about foods I eat, I drink lots of water, and research healthy diets to meal prep. I also have a goal calendar for my daily workouts, where I workout 5 times a week for 30 minutes to an hour each day. The interviewer reports that being a single mom can be identified as a barrier to pursuing health goals in regards to not having enough time in the day to implement health goals.


Elderly person-  I view health as doing things to keep your blood pressure down, cholesterol down. being in great health includes participating in activities such as exercising, and eating right.  Strategies I perform to stay healthy include eating right by going on a plant based diet to stay moving and healthy. I also garden and drink spring water. Barriers that I have to pursing a healthy lifestyle include having the will power or not being motivated to do the right things to stay on tract.  


Adolescent- I view health as living a long healthy life and not being sick. strategies I perform to stay healthy include eating healthy, social distancing, and exercising. Barriers that I have to pursuing a healthy lifestyle include having a sweet tooth.

3. Choose one social cognition theory described in the chapters and use it as a guide to develop an intervention to address a selected behavior change for you.  Identify the stage of change you are in currently as it relates to the selected behavior. 


4. Write one long-term goal to obtain the behavior selected and two short-term realistic, measurable implementation strategies to begin to achieve the goal.