I need a word literature review see attachment

I need a word literature review see attachment.

Now it the time to start showing the heavy lifting you are doing for your project. You will submit a 500-word literature review based from the annotated bibliography that identifies the theoretical integration and application of information of your chosen track. Remember, as we have mentioned throughout this course, pay particular attention to proper APA formatting.

Annotated Bibliography on Chief of Police

  • 1.Corsar, N., R. Brunson and E. McGarrell (2009). “Problem-Oriented Policing and Open-Air Drug Markets: Examining the Rockford Pulling Levers Deterrence Strategy.” Crime and Delinquency.
  • Vera Institute of Justice. (2003). Measuring progress toward safety and justice: A global guide to the design of performance indicators across the justice sector. New York, NY: Vera Institute of Justice.
  • Skogan, W.G. (1976). Efficiency and effectiveness in big-city police departments. Public Administration Review, 36 (3), 278-286.
  • 4.Bichler, G., and L. Gaines (2005). “An Examination of Police Officers’ Insights into Problem Identification and Problem Solving.” Crime and Delinquency 51(1):53-74.
  • 5.Bittner, E. (1990). “Some Reflections on Staffing Problem-Oriented Policing.” American Journal of Police 9(3):189-97.
  • 6.Boba, R. (2003). Problem Analysis in Policing. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services and the Police Foundation.
  • 7.Chermak, S., and E. McGarrell (2004). “Problem-Solving Approaches to Homicide: An Evaluation of the Indianapolis Violence Reduction Partnership.” Criminal Justice Policy Review15 (2):161-192.
  • Martinez, T. (2004). A RACIAL PROFILING SYMPOSIUM: Perceptions of Racial Profiling Utah. Utah Law Review Society.
  • 9.Burris, John L. and Catherine Whitney. (1999). Blue vs. Black. New York, NY: St. Martini Press.
  • Brown, K. and Coulter, P.B. (1983). Subjective and objective measures of police service delivery. Public Administration Review, 43 (1), 50-58.

The findings look at the effect of a critical mediation, “Pull Lever,” applied by the police in Rockford, Illinois, to battle curb drugs markets and foreign criminal offenses in a particular neighborhood. The activity depended on contextual analyses and past endeavours in High Point, Massachusetts, Boston and North Carolina. The examination demonstrates that Rockford’s procedure included a quantitative lessening of wrongdoing, medications and issue territories in the objective territory.

In this study, surveillance is subject to a broader review of the measure of execution in the equity segment. It breaks down on the key, institutional and movement pointers and the way towards creating execution markers. The targeted group is program administrators in police programs, services of equity (mutual legal assistance and mutual legal assistance), judicial authorities, imprisonment sentences without judicial process in prisons and accountability mechanisms (e.g., mediator). The objective is to address the components of the public and private sectors of the judiciary.


The findings define efficiency as a company’s measure to convert income and product efficiency into the production of the desired income while minimizing expenses. It incorporates suggestions for guaranteeing the adequacy and productivity of police associations, including recruiting ethnic minority representatives, recruiting civilians, and using technology as a computer to help them fulfill their responsibilities.

These findings show how police intrigue gatherings to decide if authorities are a reliable method for identifying criminal issues. The study concluded that while officers could identify the exact locations of the crime, there were significant fluctuations in leadership positions and raised doubts that this method was totally solid.

This is a thoughtful report that highlights the essentials of a POP method and the hardness of its adapting. The article states that core changes in recruitment and training must be made if we are to show that the goal is the overall success.

These findings presents and characterizes the idea of issue analysis. It offers advice on how to integrate and institutionalize problem analysis into current police activities. It contains a rundown of the thoughts and proposals on issue examination, the abilities and information they have to accomplish that objective, and how the police, academia, federal government and other institutions can go forward.

This study conducted by the Indiana Violent Reduction Association in the City of Indianapolis, a coalition of judicial and criminal bodies that used an approach to address issues of violence. The report depicts the program’s effect on murders and shows the adequacy of high-likelihood specialist alarms and probation officers. The investigation infers that manslaughter rates have declined and that in the preparation sessions detainees viewed the criminal equity framework as more compelling in reacting to wrongdoing.

In this report, the author analyses the numerous meanings of racial profiling. It depicts the profiling as “the usage of race as a key factor in police decisions to stop and question nationals.” It states that in the resonant message of rap music, the law-making body, the social protection structure, the media, and the police there delineated noteworthy part of the minority issue. The police severity, bigotry, and badgering are the political center of the social critique of male rappers and that texts that treat them effectively and intelligently have a major social impact on music beat.

The blue against black is the tale of the intention that happens each daily in American urban areas, among government officials and African Americans. The author illuminates the public that the reasons for the intentions are upsetting with challenging conditions. Hence, this is to make a phase for a national dialog about courses of action. He furthermore examines the major conflict with the African Americans and the police. This issue was one of the principal purposes of the authors. They truly judged the sort of correlation amongst the two. He then advises the general public that the solution to the brutality of the correlation is wretched and that the correlation has had such a significant number of issues which is hard to be re-established. Moreover, the book touches on the way by which adolescents view the whole situation. The maker delineates a situation in which kids see agents harassing others and children just know how the world works.

These findings feature the qualification on police nature in public concerning security provision. It uses “objective” administrative measures for police adequacy, proficiency, and equity, and a “subjective” demeanor in light of client inquire about. Discover that subject fulfillment isn’t identified with the level of administration by the police service

I need a word literature review see attachment