Health Promotion Campaign For Obesity in Chicago IL

Health Promotion Campaign For Obesity in Chicago IL.

Question Description

  • Document
    • Complete project steps 1-5.
      • Project Step 1: Target Population and Health Concern.
        Identify and describe the target population you would like to examine
        (demographics, location, etc.). Include at least 5 reliable sources
        about the health concern.
      • Project Step 2: Needs Assessment, Campaign Purpose, Theory, and Goals.
        • Conduct a needs assessment. Adjust target population and/or health concern accordingly.
        • Describe
          the purpose of your campaign (increase awareness, increase education,
          change behavior, reinforce or maintain a behavior).
        • Select and describe a theory that will be useful for framing and developing health promotion materials & programming.
        • Write 1 goal and 2 objectives for your health promotion campaign in terms of target population.
      • Project Step 3: Communication Strategy.
        • Develop health promotion campaign components
          • What will your campaign consist of?
          • What channels of communication will you use to inform your target population about the campaign message?).
        • Include a marketing mix 8 Ps analysis.
      • Project Step 4: Evaluation. Describe the process and summative evaluation plans for your health promotion campaign.
    • Final Document: Submit your Health Promotion Campaign Document by December 4, 2018 at the beginning of class.
      This final document combines steps 1-5 and should be no more than 6
      pages in length (double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt font, 1 inch
      margins). Health promotion materials should be included as an appendix.
      The final document seamlessly combines the 5 steps in a logical manner
      so that someone who was not part of the campaign development could read
      your paper and know exactly what to do. Use the italicized words in each project step above as headings within your paper.
  • Presentation
    • Presentation Components
      • Only include Step 4 Campaign Components and Health Promotion Materials (above) with a very brief introduction of your topic.
      • Presentations should be 5 minutes in length.

Present your campaign to the class as if we are your target population. Presentations will occur December 4th at the beginning of class.

Health Promotion Campaign For Obesity in Chicago IL