

Question Description




This week, we briefly took a look at civility in a TEDtalk video.Our discussion forum also addressed the issue of civility.As you go through college, you will encounter a greater variety of people from all kinds of backgrounds.It is increasingly important in our society today to maintain civility as we interact with others.What exactly is civility?

For this assignment write a five paragraph essay explaining the definition of civility and its importance in education. Be sure to follow the steps below to find an article that addresses the issue and incorporate at least one quote and one paraphrase from the article to support your ideas.

Assignment Steps

1.Use EBSCOhost to find a scholarly article pertaining to the topic of civility and education.

a.Using “Academic Search Complete” in EBSCOhost:

i.Type the words “civility and education” in the search bar.

ii.Go to the left sidebar to limit your search to “Full Text” and “Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals.”

iii.In the left sidebar, you select “Academic Journals” for the Source Types.

iv.Find one article that seems appealing to you. It is essential that you chose an article you comprehend fully since you will be required to discuss a quote and a paraphrase from the article and demonstrate its relevance to your topic. If you don’t find any article of interest, try different phrasing like “civility in schools”, “manners in education”, “conflict in schools”, etc.

b.Download the PDF Full Text and save a copy of that article on a flash drive or on your computer.

2.Prepare a summary of the article.

a.As you read the article, pause after each paragraph and jot down the main point of that paragraph.

b.Use your own words – do not copy the authors’ words.

c.Find ideas that you want to either quote directly or paraphrase in your paper. (Look for an idea that is so powerful, you cannot put it into your own words.)

d.Note the page number where the idea comes from.

3.Write a five paragraph essay on civility in education utilizing the resources from steps 1 and 2.

a.Your paper should be at least 750 words

b.Use an introduction that has as attention grabbing opening sentence, background information on your thesis, previews your main idea/thesis and the subtopics, and transitions to the next paragraph

c.Write three supporting paragraphs with topic sentences, based on the subtopics, which enhance and extend the thesis statement.

i.Include descriptions or examples of civility

ii.Cite your sources

1.Paraphrases must be highlighted in yellow

2.Direct quotes must be highlighted in blue

iii.Don’t simply drop your quote or paraphrase into a paragraph. Introduce the quote and the author before using it, and explain the quote’s relevance to your topic afterward.

For example:

As John Rogers, a sociology professor at The University of Southern California States, “Classroom decorum varies greatly depending on a number of factors including the students’ breakfast that day” (21).This illustrates that there are certain uncivil actions over which teachers have little control.

d.Include a concluding paragraph that provides an appropriate closing to your essay by reviewing your thesis and subtopics, giving evidence of new learning or conclusions based on your research and writing on this topic, and gives a provocative closing sentence.

4.List your sources in a References page at the end of your paper.

Use Microsoft Word to prepare your assignment. Refer to Pocket Keys for Writers to help you with writing the paper and citing your sources.

Remember to include the following information at the top of your paper:

Your Name

GID Number


Today’s Date


“Degree Planning”

This week, we introduced the idea of general education – the core courses you will take before you jump into your program of study. In this assignment, you will explore the Grantham University catalog to determine which general education courses you will be taking, along with the elective courses that round out your education.

You will definitely need to read the online catalog in order to complete this assignment.

Review Section 7 in the catalog for the General Education program description, categories, and list of courses.Make sure you understand why we require students to complete the General Education slate of courses.

Then look for your degree program in Section 8 of the catalog.You will see each program listed by college (School of Business, College of Arts and Sciences, College of Engineering and Computer Science, School of Nursing and Allied Health).After reading the description of the program and the student learning outcomes, you will see the tables that list the General Education courses, the Program Core, and the electives.

Once you have read these sections in the catalog, you are ready to start this assignment.Your job is to write a response to each of the following four prompts:

Prompt 1: General Education Requirements

A.To start this assignment, write a paragraph explaining the reason why we require students to complete the General Education courses (you may need to refer to section 7 of the catalog for this rationale).

B.Then using this template list and then describe the courses you will take to complete the General Education requirement for your program.In some programs, you have choices – in other programs, you do not have choices (they tell you which courses to take).

Prompt 2:Program Core Requirements

A. In a paragraph state your degree program and explain why you chose your program of study.In your answer explain how will this program of study will help you in your career advancement?

B. Next, in the same template as Prompt 1, list and describe the courses you are required to complete for the program.Be sure to point out which courses are pre-requisites for more advanced courses.This is important because you must enroll in these courses in sequence – you have to pass the pre-requisite before you can attempt the higher course.

Prompt 3:Electives

Each program has a different number of electives that you can select to complete your degree.Take note of special requirements, such as the fact that some electives have to be chosen from the program (versus those that can be chosen from any course listed in the catalog). Also note whether the elective must be a course numbered 300 or above.

A.In the same template as Prompts 1 and 2, include the courses you choose as electives

B.For each elective include a statement explaining why you are interested in the course in the table

Prompt 4:Sequencing of Courses, Credit Hours and Graduation Requirements

This is the truly important part of this assignment. Some courses have pre-requisites, which means you have to take a designated lower-level course before you can take the advanced course.

A.In your template, make sure to designate all classes that have pre-requisites in your template.

How to set up your assignment for submission:

Include your written paragraphs for Prompt 1 and Prompt 2 above the table in the template. Then, once you’ve completed both the written prompts and the table contents, submit the entire assignment as a single file to the dropbox.


For this project, pretend you are an organizer for a charity in your local area. The charity can be a real or pretend charity.You will be creating a Flyer advertising a fundraising event, a spreadsheet showing donations for 3 events given in each of 3 cities and creating a presentation in which you are telling an audience about your charity and the great work it does. Read below for more detail.

Flyer Instructions:

Using Microsoft Word, create a flyer.Have a title centered at the top of the page in an appropriate size font.Below the title, you will have an image related to charity or event that is centered.There will then be a paragraph telling us about the charity event.Below the paragraph, left aligned and each on their own line tell us the What, Where, and When.Bold the words What, Where etc. Below that type the words Point of Contact and center it and below that create a one row by three column table. In the table, have a name, email and phone number of the point of contact.Below the table have the words:For More Information, Visit: then type in a real or imaginary web address. The flyer should be one page.

Some ideas for charity events could be a Bizarre, Fair, Bake Sale, Cake Walk, Carnival, Book Fair, Car Wash, Craft Fair, Pancake breakfast, Dinner….

Spreadsheet Instructions:

Using Microsoft Excel, create a spreadsheet that will have three cities of your choice and three fundraising events for each city in which money was raised.Have the word Donations in bold and merged and centered above the spreadsheet.Also bold the Cities and Events. Best fit columns headings as needed so they are visible.The spreadsheet is to calculate the total donations for each city and event.It will also total all donations and provide percent of total donation for each city.Percent will be formatted with percent symbol and totals with $ symbol with no decimal places.The sum function must be used for the totals and a formula used for percent of total donations for city.Be sure to label columns and rows, so it is clear what is in your spreadsheet and bold all column and row headings. Include your lastname and GIDnumber as a comment in cell A2.

Presentation Instructions:

Using Microsoft PowerPoint, create a 5-8 slide presentation in which you tell us about the charity you are involved with.There must be a title slide with a title and your name as the presenter. There also has to a concluding slide as the last slide in which you include contact information. On other slides include charity mission, benefits or accomplishments and where donations are spent.Also create a table showing donations locally.The presentation should include at least one image and have at least 1 slide with bullets points.The presentation should have one design theme or a background that is the same for all slides.There should be one slide transition that is used throughout the presentation.

For your submission, zip together the three files, the spreadsheet, the flyer, and the presentation, into a file entitled this file into the assignment area.


2. Explain the difference between the family of orientation and the family of procreation.

3. Describe some of the great forces that have influenced family life.

4. Discuss the four steps in critical thinking. Give an example of each.



Part 1 – Civic Information Scavenger Hunt

The first part of this assignment is a fun scavenger hunt. Using a web search find and record the answer to following questions. (There is no need to cite sources for the questions asked in this scavenger hunt as this is commonly known information.)

Keep your submission organized, clear, and professional in look. Make sure that anyone who reads this list of information would be able to easily know what you are communicating. For example, don’t just list the name “Donald Trump” as our president.

One way to do this would be to include in your text the question asked: “Who is the current President,” followed by the answer: “Donald Trump.”

Another way you could do this is to write in complete sentence. For example: “The current President is Donald Trump.”

For Part 1, there is no need to provide any information beyond what is asked for in these questions.

Please answer the following questions:

•Who is the President?

•Who is the Vice President?

•Who are the Justices of the Supreme Court?

•Who are your two (2) United States Senators?

•If you wanted to write them a letter where would you send it? -or- If you wanted to write them an email what address or website would you use to send it?

•Who is your Representative to the United States House of Representatives?

•If you wanted to write them a letter where would you send it? -or- If you wanted to write them an email what address or website would you use to send it?

•What state do you live in?

•Who is your governor?

•Who are the Justices of your State Supreme Court?

•Where does your State Legislature meet?

•Does your State Legislature have two houses or one?

•What is the name of the Upper House of your State Legislature?

•What is the name of the Lower House of your State Legislature?

•Who is/are your Senator(s) to the upper house of your State Legislature?

•If you wanted to write them a letter where would you send it? -or- If you wanted to write them an email what address or website would you use to send it?

•Who is/are your Representative(s) to the Lower House of your State Legislature?

•If you wanted to write them a letter where would you send it? -or- If you wanted to write them an email what address or website would you use to send it?

•What is the official website for your state where you can find information on registering to vote? (NOTE: in most cases this should be a .gov website)

•Does this website contain information on finding where to vote on Election Day, information on getting an absentee ballot, sample ballots, and other voting information?

•Is any information that would help you vote missing or hard to find on that official website?

Part 2 – Essay on the Meaning of Liberty

As we read in our lectures this week, philosopher John Locke asked: “If a man in the state of nature is free, if he is absolute lord of his own person and possessions, why will he give up his freedom? Why will he put himself under the control of any person or institution?”

John Locke’s answer was: “that the rights in the state of nature are constantly exposed to the attacks of others. Since every man is equal and since most men do not concern themselves with equity and justice, the enjoyment of rights in the state of nature is unsafe and insecure. Hence each man joins in society with others to preserve life, liberty, and property.”

In at least 500 words answer the following questions:

•In your own words, what is freedom? (*Note: dictionary definitions of the word freedom will not be accepted)

•In your own words, what is liberty? (*Note: dictionary definitions of the words liberty will not be accepted)

•Does your definition of freedom agree with Locke’s definition of freedom? Why or why not?

•Does your definition of liberty agree with Locke’s understanding of liberty? Why or why not?

•John Locke argues that freedom and liberty are very different things. Do you agree or not? Why or why not?

•Finally, how did these ideas of liberty and freedom connect to the creation of the Constitution?

Please note: APA formatting and citations rules apply to this and all essays in this course.
