For this week’s assignment you must select a concept relevant to nursing practice. Then you have to analyze the concept by using multiple data sources, case studies, and literature reviews.

For this week’s assignment you must select a concept relevant to nursing practice. Then you have to analyze the concept by using multiple data sources, case studies, and literature reviews.

For this week’s assignment you must select a concept relevant to nursing practice. Then you have to analyze the concept by using multiple data sources, case studies, and literature reviews. Remember to follow APA 6th edition guidelines and the attached concept analysis rubric. This paper represents a major project for this course. This assignment must be completed individually.

Workshop #2 Rubric

  1. Title and intruction:

Present a brief resumen.

  1. Present the concept to be analyze in this project.

– Determine the purpose of this analysis.

– Identify all uses of this concept:

  1. Present all possible definitions.
  2. Use all possible disciplines.

– Determine the attributes of this concept.

– Create a model case.

– Create a similar case.

– Create an opposite case.

– Identify the records and consequences.

– Points out the empirical methods that can be used to measure this concept.

III. Format

  • Use of the APA guidelines.
  • Include the references using APA style.