Discuss how these factors, combined with the presenting career issue, might impact the person’s mental well-being, relationships with others, and life roles

Discuss how these factors, combined with the presenting career issue, might impact the person’s mental well-being, relationships with others, and life roles

Case Study: Scott is a 31-year-old Caucasian male. He is single. He dropped out of school in the tenth grade. When he dropped out of school he started hanging with the wrong crowd. Which in turn for his actions he went to prison. He served ten years for a drug charge. It was a felony offense. Due to him being in prison, he does not have any work history. He is currently living with his parents in their basement until he is able to become autonomous. Client’s Career Development: Analyze the impact societal norms regarding diverse factors —such as gender, age, culture, socioeconomic status, or other characteristics —that may have influenced this fictitious client. Select at least three diverse factors to analyze in this section. Discuss how these factors, combined with the presenting career issue, might impact the person’s mental well-being, relationships with others, and life roles. Biases and Assumptions: In this section, assess how biases and assumptions may impact the career counseling process from your client’s perspective and from the counselor’s perspective. Be certain to propose strategies for ways counseling professionals can address these biases and assumptions. Self-Assessment: discuss your biases and assumptions about your chosen cultural group. Describe strategies to decrease your own biases and assumptions