Developing Retail Business MKT week 8

Developing Retail Business MKT week 8.

Imagine that you are now starting your own business to compete with the retailer (AMAZON)

Review these resources to help you get started:


Write a 5 page paper:

  1. Identify how you used feedback from Assignment 1(ATTACHED) and how you can leverage trends in retailing for your own business.
  2. Propose two to three strategies for targeting customers and information gathering that you would use to develop your own customer base.
  3. Develop a plan that details your approach to recruiting staff, training staff, and employee management.
  4. Create a strategic plan for the operational management of your business.
  5. Create a name, a mission, a philosophy, and a location for your retail store.
  6. Develop a plan for cultivating an inviting store atmosphere (e.g., music, décor, style of goods provided, services provided, etc.) and a corresponding window display.
  7. Use at least three quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other websites do not qualify as academic resources.


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Developing Retail Business MKT week 8