Describe the relationship of the pilot study to the main study (for example, what is the purpose of the pilot study?)

Describe the relationship of the pilot study to the main study (for example, what is the purpose of the pilot study?)

Additional Information if Conducting a Pilot Study: Describe the relationship of the pilot study to the main study (for example, what is the purpose of the pilot study?). Additional Information if Conducting an Intervention Describe clearly and thoroughly the nature of the treatment, intervention, or experimental manipulation, how it will be designed and administered, and by whom and to whom it will be administered. For Students Using Archival Data Include all procedures for recruitment, participation, and data collection associated with the main study. Describe the procedure for gaining access to the data set. Describe necessary permissions to gain access to the data (with permission letters located in an appendix). If historical or legal documents are used as sources of data, demonstrate the reputability of the sources and justify why they represent the best sources of data.