Compare the Orem practice (Chapter 8) to aspects of your own clinical practice. Which of the three steps of Orem’s process of nursing is most challenging?

Compare the Orem practice (Chapter 8) to aspects of your own clinical practice. Which of the three steps of Orem’s process of nursing is most challenging?

: Day 7 Value: 20 points After completing the assigned readings, answer one question from each of the following categories. Be specific, give specific examples, and cite at least one source from this week’s readings in each answer. Your paper should be 2 to 3 pages long (not including the title page or reference page) and use correct APA formatting. Category One Exemplar 1: Analyze the JBSM practice exemplar (Chapter 7). Discuss one strength and one challenge of this model for nursing applications. Exemplar 2: Compare the Orem practice (Chapter 8) to aspects of your own clinical practice. Which of the three steps of Orem’s process of nursing is most challenging? Exemplar 3: Select one of Roy’s four adaptive modes and and share how it has been displayed in the practice exemplar (Chapter 10). Category Two Exemplar 4: Describe how Parse’s concept of true presence (Chapter 15) could apply to your practice. Exemplar 5: Explain how the nurse practitioner in the HEC exemplar (Chapter 16) fostered the process of expanding consciousness. This assignment will be graded using the Written Assignment rubric found in your syllabus. There are three theories that we will examine as exemplars of the integrative paradigm. These theories are: Johnson’s Behavioral System Model, Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory, and Roy’s Adaptation Model. The transformative paradigm builds upon an understanding that the relationship between the individual and the environment continually exists as the lowest common denominator for interactions. Consequently, responses to change and evolving activities occur mutually between both the individual and the environment. There are two theories that we shall examine as examples of the transformative paradigm. These theories are: Parse’s Humanbecoming Paradigm and Newman’s Theory of Health as Expanding Consciousness