Compare and contrast the complimentary modality with traditional interventions for an illness, medical diagnosis medical or symptom

Compare and contrast the complimentary modality with traditional interventions for an illness, medical diagnosis medical or symptom

CRITERIA Value % % Earned COMMENTS 1. Compare and contrast the complimentary modality with traditional interventions for an illness, medical diagnosis medical or symptom. 2. Discuss the benefits and risks of both the traditional and the complementary/integrative interventions. 3. Ascertain how you can combine both traditional and holistic interventions/modalities to achieve optimal client outcomes 4. Contact and interview a qualified practitioner of a chosen modality. Experience the modality yourself, if possible. 5. The paper is to be written in APA format. The length is to be a minimum of 4-5 pages excluding the title page and references. 70 Organization Structure 1. Includes purpose in introduction. 2. Paper is logically arranged with introduction, body, and summary. 3. Subsections and paragraphs reflect the main idea. 4. Transitions occur between thoughts. Literacy and Style 1. Uses professional vocabulary. 2. Uses correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. 3. Maintains economy of expression. 10 APA 1. Title page is correct. 2. Page numbering is accurate. 3. Page header is appropriate.