Calculate the molar volume of carbon monoxide at 350 K and 2.30 atm using the van der Waals equation (see Table 1.6 for the van der Waals….
Calculate the molar volume of carbon monoxide at 350 K and 2.30 atm using the van der Waals equation (see Table 1.6 for the van der Waals coefficients).P = RT / V-b – (a/Vo^2)RT/v-b = P + (a/Vo^2)V-b = RT / (P + (a/Vo^2))Here Vo = first approximation = ideal molar volume .Vo = RT / P = 0.0821 * 350 / 2.3 = 12.49 LSo V = RT/(P + a/12.49^2)=…The post Calculate the molar volume of carbon monoxide at 350 K and 2.30 atm using the van der Waals equation (see Table 1.6 for the van der Waals… appeared first on “Are you looking for this answer? We can Help click Order Now”
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