BM138 Academy of Careers and Technology Competitor Matrixes Project

BM138 Academy of Careers and Technology Competitor Matrixes Project.

Please based on the business I created in the file I upload

Capstone Project Overview

You have spent several months looking for work, landing a few interviews, but something does not

seem right. After much soul searching, you have realized that you are an entrepreneur at heart and

want to open up your own business. You know it will not be easy, but it’s something you need to do.

Your Capstone Project will consist of 5 parts and will focus on the many decisions you are going to

make prior to opening your business. The end product of your work will be a phenomenal sales

presentation that you can share with potential investors. Remember – all 5 parts of the Capstone

Project are related to each part building on the next part.

Capstone Project Part 2


Your Competition

More than likely, your business is going to have some sort of competition. All successful businesses

research their competition on a regular basis. One systematic method of monitoring your

competition is to create a

Competitor Matrix

for your industry.

For Capstone Project Part 2, you will need to create a Competitor Matrix

and evaluate your potential

competitors. Refer to…

for examples of

Competitor Matrixes


Include at least six features and benefits, and four different competito


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BM138 Academy of Careers and Technology Competitor Matrixes Project