Applying Evidence From Research

Applying Evidence From Research.

Consider a policy or procedure at your facility that you believe may be not following best practices …..Central Lines Dressing Change…….. Search for at least two research reports (preferably systematic reviews) that address the policy or procedure. Cite your sources. After reading the results sections of the reports, would you recommend to keep or change your current policy or procedure? Defend your decision based on the strength of the evidence


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Hi, Class

Way back in week one you were assigned to read Chapter 16.  In this chapter, it discussed the systematic review, and gave you a table of systematic reviews you can choose from for this threaded discussion.  Your lesson this week talks about a meta-analysis.  Meta –analysis is also described in Chapter 16.  If you’d like, you can use a meta-analysis when you consider a policy or procedure at your facility that you believe may be not following best practices and search for at least two research reports that address the policy or procedure.  Either a meta-analysis or a systematic review will be fine, and you can use any policy or procedure – it does not have to be the topic of your RDA.

Applying Evidence From Research