


Unit 2 Discussion Board

Mobile Programming


1.I’d like to make an app for gamers of all types that helps them find other gamers to level, run missions etc. with.

2.The app will have PC, XB, Playstation, Nintendo etc. and let people look for the type of gaming buddy they want to play a game on a system with.

3.There are forums like Gamerpals, Playdate, PartyUpPlayer out there but I think they don’t cover enough platforms.

4.My app will have multiple playstyles, platforms, playtypes and time slots for signups.

For this IP, you will upload your completed app proposal, in the form of a PowerPoint presentation, which should include all of the elements listed below and incorporate any feedback you received on your draft, which was submitted to the Discussion Board last week:

  1. Identify the problem your app is designed to solve and explain how your app solves it (bullet points are fine).
  2. Describe any comparable apps currently on the market and explain how your app will be different or better.
  3. List your revised requirements (at least 10) and corresponding test case scenarios.
  4. Include your Pseudocode.
  5. Include screenshots of your working app (one slide for every app screen).
  6. Include a description of how you could incorporate either an ads bar or an in-app purchase into your app. Note: You are not required to actually include these elements, just describe a possible way that you could do so.
