3 million gallons of raw sewage was dumped directly onto the beaches and into the waters near Oceano, California, home to the famous Pismo Sand Dunes?…

3 million gallons of raw sewage was dumped directly onto the beaches and into the waters near Oceano, California, home to the famous Pismo Sand Dunes?….

Did you know that in December 2010 more than 3 million gallons of raw sewage was dumped directly onto the beaches and into the waters near Oceano, California, home to the famous Pismo Sand Dunes? Sadly, it wasn’t a one-time occurrence. These types of spills happen far more frequently than city and county governments would like us to know. This is one very negative practice that harms both marine wildlife and the people who work, play, and harvest resources in these waters.In this activity you must compose an advertisement that illustrates both a positive and a negative practice relating to water conservation. Your ad will be one page and provide the consequences or outcomes of the positive, and negative practice identified in the advertisement. Some examples of positive practices might be: fixing a leaky faucet, take shorter showers, put a pitcher of water in the fridge for a cold drink of water, use drip irrigation to water plants outside, turn off the faucet when brushing teeth, don’t use the dishwasher unless it’s full.Follow the guidelines below in designing your Ad:Identify one bad or negative practice that contributes to water and environmental damage and the consequences of that action.Identify one positive practice that contributes to water preservation/planet health and the positive outcomes from that practice—this should relate to the negative one and the overall point of the Ad.Include a minimum of 1 graphic illustrating your Ad (remember a “picture is worth a thousand words”).Title your Ad, and place that title in BIG letters somewhere on the page.Be sure your Ad is organized in such a way that the reader understands the point you’re making.Be creative, you can use humor to make your point, but your Ad should be of high interest.DON’T FLUSHPILLS!DRUG TAKE-BACKS AREBETTER!SAVE THE WATER SYSTEM,ANIMALS AND HUMANBEINGS VOLUNTEER WHERE Call May Leden (7775555) Student UnionAuditorium SPONSORSAdventure WorksAlpine… . WITH topgradeassignments.org AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT!The post 3 million gallons of raw sewage was dumped directly onto the beaches and into the waters near Oceano, California, home to the famous Pismo Sand Dunes?… first appeared on topgradeassignments.org.3 million gallons of raw sewage was dumped directly onto the beaches and into the waters near Oceano, California, home to the famous Pismo Sand Dunes?… was first posted on October 12, 2020 at 9:20 am.©2019 “topgradeassignments.org”. Use of this feed is for personal non-commercial use only. If you are not reading this article in your feed reader, then the site is guilty of copyright infringement. Please contact me at admin@topgradeassignments.org  “Is this question part of your assignment? We Can Help!”

3 million gallons of raw sewage was dumped directly onto the beaches and into the waters near Oceano, California, home to the famous Pismo Sand Dunes?…