3-5 pages Arbitration award.

This arbitration award, now part of the court record, then became accessible to the public. We will NOT follow the court case proceedings or findings. The arbitration itself deals with the collective bargaining agreement (CBA), MLB’s Joint Drug Prevention and Treatment Program (JDA) and the grievance processed pursuant to the CBA and JDA.

For the most part this is boilerplate language you will find in many CBA’s. The difference is the mention of performance enhancing type drugs (PED’s) and yes, statistically maybe the best player ever in MLB.

Read the Arbitration and answer the following:

1. The grievant never testing positive for any of the substances prohibited by the Joint Drug Agreement. What role does that play in a just cause suspension?

2. Although the notebook in question was never produced, should the grievance process be tainted based on unreliable documents and questionable hearsay?

3. Commissioner Selig did NOT testify in the Arbitration, should the grievant have the right to face his accuser and examine him?

4. The grievant chose not to testify, nor offer any witnesses to help his cause. Do you agree with that strategy?

5. Finally, the initial suspension was reduced from 211 games to the entire 2014 season by the tripartite arbitration panel. Do you agree with the outcome? Please explain.


Below are some guidelines that you are expected to follow to ensure that you get full credit for your work. Please review them carefully!

  1. Papers should be 3-5 pages in length. All answers should be thorough and well-thought out. This is a graduate-level course and you will be graded accordingly.
  2. Papers should show knowledge of the material and demonstrate the ability to synthesize the theory (not just repeat it back).
  3. Papers should be in 12 pt. (Times New Roman), doubled space and one-inch margins.
  4. Answers should be written in APA format. Use headings and subheadings (in APA format) to delineate questions and part of questions. Do not repeat the questions or number them.
  5. Papers will also be graded on grammar, spelling, and appropriate APA formatting (headings, subheadings, paragraphs, page numbers, etc.). These are formal papers and should be written as such. Do not use contractions (isn’t, can’t) and write out single-digit numbers (six, rather than 6). Proofread your work carefully!
  6. Proofread your paper prior to the due date because as we all know things happen. If something happens and you miss the deadline the assignment will be open for an additional 24 hours. However, please be aware that if you submit your paper during this extended time you will be docked 10 points.
  7. Please review the rubric attached to this module before submitting the assignment, as this will be used as the grading guideline.
  8. All papers should be written using APA format. It is best to refer to your APA Manual. If you do not have a manual, you may refer to the following website: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/16/

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3-5 pages Arbitration award. was first posted on February 18, 2021 at 7:31 am.

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