hey i need help in this
In this assignment, you will be creating a meal plan based upon your nutritional needs.
Keep a food log for 2 days of every food you eat and what you drink.
Log on to the website www.supertracker.usda.gov and register (free). Be sure to enter your information such as weight, activity level, and weight goal (if any). This ensures that the recommended caloric intake is tailored to your needs. You can change any of this information by using ‘My Features’
Enter all of the food and beverages you consumed from the 2 day food log into the Supertracker website. You can complete this by clicking on the menu bar up top ‘Track Food & Activity’, then select ‘Food Tracker’ There you can search for the food you consumed to add to the online food log. Pay attention to the dates you are using to log the food. If you cannot find the foods you consumed try to choose something close to it. Also there is a place you can create a combo meal if you dont find the food you consumed through the search.
Run a report of your 2-day food log. Do this by clicking “My Reports” from the top menu. Then select ‘Food Groups & Calories’ . Choose the date range you used when entering your food log and create the report.
Analyze that food groups and calories report. Determine what nutritional needs are lacking in your diet.
Create an improved 2-day meal plan to meet your nutritional needs as recommended by the USDA.
Submit this improved 2-day meal plan by running a ‘Food Groups & Calories’ report. THEN, click export to PDF and save the file to your computer to submit it on Blackboard (here)
ill give you the username and the password
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