I need someone to write a 12 page paper (not including the title or reference page, APA style, and use the10 references listed below) analyzing how the assessment of organ donor programs and the challenges they present psychologically addresses the following areas:
Psychological aspects of death and dying
Research and theories about your topic
Diversity of experiences with your topic
Coping strategies for survivor reactions, as it relates to your topic
Approaches to working with families of the dying
Ethical considerations of your topic
Bramstedt, K.A. (2018). What’s mine is yours: Long-term experiences of Good Samaritan organ donors. Journal of patient experience 5 (1), 16-20.
Cantarovich, F. (2018). The Society, the Barriers to Organ Donation and Alternatives for a Change. Book Organ Donation and Transplantation – Current Status and Future Challenges. The Society. IntechOpen. Edited by Georgios Tsoulfas, Aristotle University
of Thessalonik. 2018; 4: 47-67. Retrieved from: https://www.intechopen.com/books/organ-donation-and-transplantation-current-status-and-future-challenges/the-society-the-barriers-to-organ-donation-and-alternatives-for-a-change.
Cantarovich, F. (2019) Organ Shortage- A Health Social Crisis. Causes, Outcomes and Proposals. Microbiol Infect Dis. 2019; 3(3), 1-6.
Faeder, S., Moschenross, D., Rosenberger, E., Dew, M. A., & DiMartini, A. (2015). Psychiatric aspects of organ transplantation and donation. Current opinion in psychiatry, 28(5), 357–364. doi:10.1097/YCO.0000000000000185.
Jacobs, C., Berglund, D. M., Wiseman, J. F., Garvey, C., Larson, D. B., Voges, Breitkopf, C.R., Hassan N.I., & Matas, A.J. (2019). Long-term psychosocial outcomes after nondirected donation: A single-center experience. American Journal of Transplantation, 19 (5), 1498-1506. https://doi.org/10.1111/ajt.15179.
Novotney, A. (2011). Psychologists are helping remove barriers to organ donation. Saving lives, one organ at a time, 42(11). Retrieved from: https://www.apa.org/monitor/2011/12/organ-donation.
Schulz, K and Kroencke, S. (2015). Psychosocial challenges before and after organ transplantation, 2015(7), 45—58. Retrieved from: https://www.dovepress.com/psychosocial-challenges-before-and-after-organ-transplantation-peer-reviewed-fulltext-article-TRRM.
Wojda, T. R., Stawicki, S. P., Yandle, K. P., Bleil, M., Axelband, J., Wilde-Onia, R., … Shultz, J. (2017). Keys to successful organ procurement: An experience-based review of clinical practices at a high-performing health-care organization. International journal of critical illness and injury science, 7(2), 91–100. doi:10.4103/IJCIIS.IJCIIS_30_17.
Van Norman, G.A. (2003). Another Matter of Life and Death: What Every Anesthesiologist Should Know about the Ethical, Legal, and Policy Implications of the Non–Heart-beating Cadaver Organ Donor. Anesthesiology 3(98), 763-773. Retrieved from: https://anesthesiology.pubs.asahq.org/article.aspx?articleid=1942992.
Virtual Mentor. (2012). AMA Code of Medical Ethics’ Opinions on Organ Transplantation. American Medical Association Journal of Ethics. 14(3), 204-214. Retrieved from: https://journalofethics.ama-assn.org/article/ama-code-medical-ethics-opinions-organ-transplantation/2012-03.
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