1.Describe a hypothetical scenario in which a client tries to get you to violate a professional boundary.


Discussion Questions
Submit your response to the question to the  Discussion Area by the due date assigned. Through the end of the module, comment on the responses of others.
You will be attempting two discussion questions in this module worth 28 points each.
1.Describe a hypothetical scenario in which a client tries to get you to violate a professional boundary. How can you effectively deal with this, maintaining a good therapeutic relationship with the client while at the same time acting in accordance with the ethics code of the APA? Reference at least two peered reviewed article.
2. At this stage how you define the limits of your own competence as a counselor? How would you hope that these limits will be expanded?
Reaction Paper
We were introduced to Erikson’s theory of development in Chapter 3 and to Piaget’s theory of development in Chapter 6 of the Lecci & Magnavita text.

Write a 3-4 page paper (excluding the cover sheet and reference page) covering the below points:
Compare and contrast the two theories.
Which theory you believe has more validity? Why?

In addition to the text, use at least three other resources for this assignment.

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