Health Assessment
Though my behaviors are certainly not the best concerning the health issue, I do have a few that work for the betterment of my health. According research better healthy practices include sleeping more, having hobbies, walking, and flossing teeth. However, I do not practice most of them and as a result; my assessment of my healthy behavior would be “not good”. To start with, I do not seem to have a healthy hobby since I spend most of my free time in front of a television set. Breakfast is an essential part of healthy living however; mostly I lack the time to have my breakfast. This is due to tight schedules associated with my study behavior and unwillingness to sacrifice my sleep to prepare a healthy breakfast. On the other hand, I do floss my teeth daily though not after every meal but at least thrice a day. Evidently, most of my practices need rectification.
To change my behavior towards a better and healthy living my schedule would be the first thing to change. That is, to create some time for hobbies and breakfast, I have to look at my schedule and change some details. According to research, breakfast is important in an individual’s daily intake since it does assist them to hold the hunger pangs until during lunchtime. In addition, breakfast should include tea since experts are indicating the possibilities of tea improving a person’s memory and prevent some cancerous diseases. I should also consider changing my hobby to something healthier. The most appropriate hobby given my situation is to visit the gym. In doing so I will have solved two issues that is, working out hence burning excess calories and having a hobby. Reports indicate people who have hobbies recover from surgery faster than those who do not have a hobby. Hence, if the said measures are taken to account I will improve my health.
Emotional awareness does refer to the ability to focus on personal acceptance and awareness of an individual’s feelings. This includes the extent to which a person is optimistic and enthusiastic about their life. Furthermore, it does include the ability of managing personal feelings and behaviors that result from them while at the same time assessing positively the realistic limitations that do exist. In addition to this, capability to cope with stress effectively and develop autonomy, assist an individual to improve their emotional wellness. Finally, one characteristic of a person having emotional wellness is that person having healthy relationship with other people. Emotional wellness comes with a score of benefits tied to them. It creates awareness and acceptance of a wide range of feeling within oneself and within other people. Moreover, emotionally well people are able to express their feelings well.
My emotional wellbeing might not be perfect but my personality indicates that I have a vibrant emotional condition. Many are times when I am able to be aware of my feelings and accept them. There are stressful times in my life especially due to educational pressure. That is, the need to perform in exams hence increasing the chances of graduating. I might not be the best person to deal with pressure and stress issues but so far, I have no problems. However, there are some little aspects that do assist me to handle stress well. Among many of them is engaging in the things I love to give me time to think about the remedy. After this, I am able to solve the issues at hand since I believe that the best way to deal with stress is look for a solution to the current situation. Overall, I think that my emotional well being better and I can handle stress successfully.
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