What assets (advantages) does sociolinguistics offer us to have a better understanding of society?.
Exercise Three: Here are five essay questions. Choose any two, and answer each in a coherent paragraph. Illustrate your analysis with clear and precise examples. Maximum 200 words each (10 marks)
1- What assets (advantages) does sociolinguistics offer us to have a better understanding of society?
2- Do you think your own way of talking reflects your social identity? How is that? what language features locate you within a common social identity?
3- Explain the differences between Code-mixing, Code-switching, and Lexical borrowing. Illustrate your explanation with clear examples.
4- Is it true that regularly using a foreign language in a work / learning environment will negatively influence our native language? What kind of influence will take place? And how can we avoid /resist it?
5- What is the difference between language death and language revival, and what reasons can lead to bringing a dead language back to life?
The post What assets (advantages) does sociolinguistics offer us to have a better understanding of society?.
What assets (advantages) does sociolinguistics offer us to have a better understanding of society?
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