Identify a process or product that is of interest to you

Identify a process or product that is of interest to you.

Individual Assignment: Identify a process or product that is of interest to you or that you make consider a product/process that currently has a negative impact on our environment.

Identify a process or product that is of interest to you

Individual Assignment: Identify a process or product that is of interest to you or that you make consider a product/process that currently has a negative impact on our environment. Apply what you learnt about the ‘circular economy’ to the product/process to help eliminate or minimize waste and the continual use of resources.

Describe the product’s/process’s current manufacturing processes and it’s input and outputs. Assess the process’s steps in terms of sustainability. Identify key areas where you propose improve or change.

The proposed approach could look at all aspects of ‘reuse. Further, sharing, repair, refurbishment. Also, re-manufacturing and recycling’ to create a close-loop system in order to minimize the use of any or all of

(a) resource inputs

(b) waste creation

(c) pollution

(d) carbon emissions.

The true impact of many proposed ‘circular economy’ proposals are debated as being too simplistic which do not consider the complexity of existing systems. Therefore. critique your own design/proposed changes and argue the advantage that such an approach may have on the current designs. Identify limitations or challenges that your approach may have.

Report Criteria: A Written Report (4,000 words). {Professional Cover Page, Executive Summary, Table of Contents, References [HARVARD], Appendices – Not Included in the Page / Word Count – But, MANDATORY}. The use of proper headings / sub-headings, flow diagrams, high level maps, concept blocks, designs and figures – MANDATORY. Times New Roman, 12 FT, Single Line Spacing.


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Identify a process or product that is of interest to you