ECE175 Computer Programming for Engineering Applications Homework Assignment 8 Due Date Tuesday April 12 2016 1159 PM via D2L Conventions Name your C programs as hwxpy.c

ECE175 Computer Programming for Engineering Applications Homework Assignment 8 Due Date Tuesday April 12 2016 1159 PM via D2L Conventions Name your C programs as hwxpy.c.

ECE175 Computer Programming for Engineering Applications Homework Assignment 8 Due Date: Tuesday April 12, 2016 11:59 PM, via D2L Conventions: Name your C programs as hwxpy.c where x corresponds to the homework number and y corresponds to the problem number. Write comments to your programs. Programs with no comments will receive PARTIAL credit. For each program that you turn in, at least the following information should be included – Author: – Date created: – Brief (two lines) description of the program: Submission Instructions: Submit your .c files via D2L Dropbox.

ECE175 Computer Programming for Engineering Applications Homework Assignment 8 Due Date Tuesday April 12 2016 1159 PM via D2L Conventions Name your C programs as hwxpy.c