

Please answer the following questions using Microsoft Word or WordPad. Use the textbook materials and available web resources to develop your answers.1.Does multiculturalism strengthen America’s identity?Explain whyor why not, and provide some specific examples to support your answer.2.Does multiculturalism weaken America’s identity?Explain whyor why not,and provide some specific examples to support your answer.
Also,your submission must be in.docor.docxformat.GradingTo receive full participation points,you must meet the following criteria:**Writing Rule•You MUST paraphrase information in your own words and cite the sources you used.•Do NOT copy words from the internet.This is Plagiarism, which is illegal, and may result in a failinggrade.•If you use information from a website or a publication, youMUST properly give credit to that authorby citing that resource.•Your content MUST be in your own words (not a word-for-word transfer).•For information on citing resources please visit the Writing Center in the Student Success Center; to format your citations in APA
