International Sales

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International Sales

In international business purchasing and contracting the CISG plays a very important role. For example in the case of a German fashion retailer who has got into a contract with an Italian fashion manufacturer for the sale of fashion goods might be unable to get the quality or issues arise whereby the contract comes into play. In this case, the buyer refuses to pay and notifies the manufacturer that the goods were of poor workmanship. In this case, according to the contract, the buyer should notify the seller within 8 days after receiving the delivery which happens. Another issue comes into place whereby there was no choice of law clause in the contract and therefore the contract is just an agreement. Therefore definitely the manufacturer would be willing to put into place contradictions and issues which make it possible for the buyer to pay.

However following the provisions of the contract between the two then the only possible action is making sure that the manufacturer does not force the buyer to pay for the goods while at the same time making sure that the buyer returns the goods to the manufacturer in the state which is stated in the contract whereby one of the state provisions should be that the clothes should not have been used among others.

Works Cited

Andersen, Camilla Baasch. “Furthering the Uniform Application of the CISG: Sources of Law on the Internet.” Pace Int’l L. Rev. 10 (1998): 403.

Seymour, Howard. “International Contracting.” The Management of Construction Firms. Palgrave Macmillan, London, 1989. 44-56.

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