Internship Webinars

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Internship Webinars

1. Practical Assessment Ideas and Tools for Physical Education by Matthew Pomeroy (September 20, 2017).

In this webinar, Matthew assesses the PE best practices that include tally mark, which has various significance, such as getting a feel for where every class is before and after a lesson helping the instructor to focus on the instruction and as well guide the students to more advanced. The tally mark assessment also helps in reducing open space on defense by staying on the objective side, and this helps in reducing the distance between the teacher and student. The tally mark also creates an open space by staying spread on offense, cutting and passing quickly, and using fakes off the ball. Other than the tally mark, another best practice involves the self-assessments, which helps the students refresh back on what they learn and are being assessed on, giving them a time to think and process what they are doing as well as what they need to help them improve. Based on my opinion, I think self-assessment techniques are the best as they have a variety of advantages and will, therefore, help me pass great instructions in the future. For example, it will help me assess what the students have learned and what they really understand. From this, I will be sure of what concepts to add to help the students understand better. For example, if a student is not able to foot-dribble a soccer ball in a variety of practice tasks, then it would be my duty to help them recall and guide them through again. A self-assessment might be applied along with the team debates where the students can help one another in grading their level outcomes through unit discussions, especially in regard to opening space, closing space, and making transitions.

2. Teaching Fitness Concepts with Technology and Apps by Lisa Witherspoon (October 18, 2017).

The webinar focuses on three major issues, and they include considerations when choosing technology, pedagogy strategies when using technology, and the examples of reliable and affordable technologies. In this line, Lisa states that technology can greatly help a trainer in several ways that include attendance, grading, behavior, music, content, presentations, communications, and video capturing. As a future trainer, I feel that I am also obligated to using technology in various ways, such as attendance, grading, music, content, presentations, communications, and video capturing. Through this, I will be able to deliver effectively in regard to content and other activities such as music. Pedometers and heart rate monitors are some of the current technologies that are used during the physical exercise class. Therefore as an intern, I have to be aware of them, how they are used and what their purpose is so that I can effectively help my students to maintain and take control of their body, helping them not to overwork themselves. Pedometers are essential in helping measure the number of strides and therefore, can be used by the students to track and achieve their set objectives in the number of strides. Therefore as a trainer, I would highly recommend their use. On the other hand, heart rate monitors help measure the heart rate. During exercise, heart rate monitoring is essential as it helps in preventing conditions such as heart attack. Therefore, being a trainer means that it is essential to alert the students to set an appropriate zone, which will be monitored by the monitors and therefore help the students stay within their range without pressurizing their bodies. The use of accelerometers helps measure steps, HR, and the calories burnt, and this makes it a better option for the trainers as it can cover the work of heart rate monitors and pedometers. However, there are fitness apps that can be used during the fitness classes to provide tutorials and to track progress.

3. Changing Attitudes to Learn, Do and Be More by Maria Corte (January 19, 2017)

Attitudes are essential for everyone as they help a person to either positively or negatively adapt to a certain procedure. When a student has a positive attitude towards the teacher, they tend to show much affection to what is being taught by the particular teacher, and this acts as a motivation to do even better. According to Maria, an attitude can be defined as a positive or negative evaluation of people, objects, events, activities, and ideas. Attitude is measurable and can be changed from negative to positive, and therefore, it can be used to influence a person’s emotions and behavior. Maria also states that effective behavior management involves changing the mindset, and I do agree with her as it does not involve learning the right phrases or language. Still, it involves the change of a person’s thoughts. In the times that some people are waiting for you to fail, there are others that are waiting for you to succeed, as a trainer, this should be the main motivation to encourage the students to do their best both in class and in the field as failure is not an option. I would use this lesson to motivate my students, telling them that they should not be pulled down by failure. Still, as long as they know what they are doing, they should keep up the focus of meeting their objectives, and this will help them learn how to hold positivism and also to be optimistic about their careers in sports. We all depend on a positive attitude to have an effective completion of tasks. One way we can help the students manage their attitudes is by keeping the expectations and consequences simple and also being consistent and fair.

4. Getting the Most Out of a 30-Minute Lesson by Elyse Silver (August 17, 2016)

Physical exercises demand a lot of concentration to achieve the required objective. A 30-minute lesson may seem too small, but when properly planned, it can help achieve more benefits to the students. Silver explains that in such a lesson, there are various elements that are needed to make it the best lesson. The various elements include having an objective, academic connection, turn and talk, assessment of the knowledge, high-level questions, specific feedback, and grouping in differentiation, safety, teacher assessment, and review. When giving directions, it is important that the teacher or trainer uses their fingers to represent steps. Each finger should represent a step, and this might be a simple way to help the student understand the rules. Based on this aspect of providing directions, I find it interesting and highly effective as it does not only help in explaining the steps, but it also makes the students easily comprehend without struggling. In regard to assessing knowledge, a trainer should use the high-order questions as they are significant in various ways as they help the students to apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate. Besides, it also prevents the students from answering with a single word and therefore enhances their understanding. Another way to keep the 30-minute lesson flowing is by using the turn and talk, which allows all the students to participate and voice their options, and this prevents certain students from dominating in class discussions. As a trainer, this is the best approach that will help even the students who don’t like contributing in class, and this ensures equality in participation, thus motivating the students.

5. Mental Fitness: Tips for Including Mental Wellness in PE by Maria Corte (November 14, 2018).

Mental health is important for everyone. The combination of the body and mind cannot function properly if the person is not mentally sober. According to Maria, there are various reasons for teaching mental wellness, and some of the reasons include the increased rate of depression among adolescents, and also the fact that mental health issues do begin earlier in a person’s life. As a trainer, it is important, therefore to, consider this age group since their body is constantly changing, making it difficult for the teenager to concentrate on class lessons. Teaching about mental health at an early age will help the students became aware about the condition and as well help them cope and prevent themselves from such conditions. It should be noted that depression, anxiety, and other mental conditions distract the student and thus affects their ability to participate in any of the healthy behaviors that include participating in the PE lessons. As a trainer, teaching positive coping skills, educating about mental wellness and mental illness will help the students cope. Besides, encouraging mind-body wellness, communicating openly, and often as well as letting the students know that there is help available can greatly work in helping prevent depression and anxiety. When I become a trainer, I will incorporate the various coping skills outlined in the webinar to help me teach the students on the matter regarding mental health. The various positive coping skills include teaching breathing exercises, visualization and meditation, teaching dance and yoga movements, and creating a more structured schedule. Other essential coping skills include having outdoor activities such as walking and hiking, which will help the students forget the classroom stress and reduce the chances of depression and anxiety. Also, a trainer should organize for the students to have access to a counsellor and mentors to help them keep their objective on track and to assure them that help is always available in the time of need.

Works Cited

Gopher Webinars. Retrieved from:

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