400 word thought paper book required

For this assignment you are required to write a 400 word paper on your thoughts of ONE of the topics below

, and Utilitarianism
then Discuss how these Theories Influenced the Study of Psychology
p. 121-149

What is
, Why was it Important and is it still Relevant to Psychology?
p. 150-168

The topic of each paper will correspond with material covered in each of the assigned chapters, in weeks with more than one assigned chapter, you may pick a chapter to write about. Each thought paper should be approximately one page in length (400 words single-spaced) and must follow APA standards (please consult the APA publication manual 6th edition, ISBN 4200066, for more information). Thought papers should provide a brief, yet concise, review of the psychological theory, movement or perspective followed by an analysis of the contributions (positive and negative) of that theory, movement or perspective. Each thought paper should also contain a brief synthesis of how the topic has influenced modern psychology.

The paper MUST be about and reference this book ONLY:

King, D. B., Woody, W. D., and Viney, W. (2013). History of psychology: Ideas and context (fifth edition). New York: Taylor and Francis Group. ISBN-13: 9780205963041
I have attached below a copy of the assignment and needed book title
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