LACC Paints Pigment and Coating Industry Project Presentation

LACC Paints Pigment and Coating Industry Project Presentation.

1. Select your industry
2. Select 3 common chemicals used in the selected industry
3. Calculate TWA for the selected chemicals
4. Calculate exposure to the mixture Em
5. Select 5 cases/injuries for the selected industry
6. Fill out OSHA 300 form
7. Calculate the incidence rates and compare it to the national statistics
8. Utilize $afety pays program to calculate the sales the company has make to offset the injury costs

9. Calculate Severity and Probability of negative H&S outcomes with current controls.

10. Identify controls to prevent future injuries.Calculate Probability and Severity after the implementation of the control measures.

11. Calculate Risk Reduction (%)

12. Perform Cost-Benefit Analysis.

13- 4 to 5 slides of powerpoint for the presntation


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LACC Paints Pigment and Coating Industry Project Presentation