Safety Engineering |

Safety Engineering |

This is a Progress report based on the proposal about the health and safety issues and risks in Gas Stations.A project first (progress) report is to be submitted and should have a technical report format (Technical writing guide and follow APA), not exceed 1500-2000 words and should include the:Title / Topic- Abstract of the project – Introduction – Objectives of the project – Background of the topic (Regulations and standards related to hazards identified) – Illustration and description of hazards with their effect on safety and health. – Progress from the project proposal – Gantt chart for the project showing completed and uncompleted tasks on a time plan – Assignment of tasks to the group members- References and citation (must) APA STYLEGrading SchemeAbstract 5 Points ………….. Introduction 8 Points ………….. Objectives of the project 8 Points ………….. Background of the topic (regulations and standards) 15 Points ………….. Illustration and hazard analysis 15 Points ………….. Progress from the project proposal 20 Points ………….. Gantt Chart 6 Points ………….. Contribution of members 3 Points ………….. References 8 Points ………….. Tables 4 Points ………….. Figures 4 Points ………….. Characters 2 Points ………….. Line Spacing 2 PointsIntroduction should include general health and safety comments around the world, implementations and soforth.Objectives are to analyze and evaluate health and safety issues in gas stations and how they can be solved and mitigatedProgress from the project proposal should be how far I have come from the proposalContact me for more details as I have files that will definitely help that I can’t post hereThe post Safety Engineering first appeared on Submit Your Essays.Safety Engineering was first posted on October 12, 2020 at 8:18 am.©2019 “Submit Your Assignment”. Use of this feed is for personal non-commercial use only. If you are not reading this article in your feed reader, then the site is guilty of copyright infringement. Please contact me at  “Is this question part of your assignment? We Can Help!”

Safety Engineering |