a) Consider the parity bit protocol with the p’s, q’s, and the additional r bit. What is the hamming distance of this protocol?

a) Consider the parity bit protocol with the p’s, q’s, and the additional r bit. What is the hamming distance of this protocol?.

a) Consider the parity bit protocol with the p’s, q’s, and the additional r bit. What is the hamming distance of this protocol? Briefly explain why
b) Assume we have a CRC protocol that satisfies all the desirable properties that we described in the slides. What is the hamming distance of this protocol? Briefly explain why.
c) For both a) and b), can these protocols be used for error correction, and if so, how many bits can they correct? (i.e., can they perform x-bit correction, and if so, what is x?)
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a) Consider the parity bit protocol with the p’s, q’s, and the additional r bit. What is the hamming distance of this protocol?